The prayer of Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1 vs 18 is that which should form the basis of the passion in every believer.

The joy of the enemy is that we won’t get a glimpse of that which we have been called into and that is how he has been depriving us of our right in Christ.

That we have been raised to life from death is an everlasting joy.
Every believer has been called out of darkness into God’s light and our primary ministry is into reconciliation regardless of the five folds or not.

The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge; it will be a slap on our faces if we get to heaven to discover the weight of all that has been freely given to us.

I could feel the passion Apostle prayed with that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened that we may know the hope of our calling not just anyhow or anywhere but in Christ Jesus. I can imagine the burden in his heart at the time, how he spread his arms bowing his knee crying unto God to bring men into understanding of their place in Christ.

How will man who has been created with a mandate to reign be living as a slave?

It was around 5 pm almost a month now that I sat in front of the house where I live for two good hours waiting for anyone who went out or came in to help put the two giant dogs in the compound in their cage so I could walk in. I had so much fear for dogs that I just had to wait all day long praying for miracles, that someone would come around to clear the road for me each day.

On this faithful evening, no one neither came in nor were all those I called anywhere close to coming to rescue me. It occurred to me how I had prayed a night before taking charge of every creeping, walking, talking, and dominatable creature. Here comes the anger against myself! I mean who does this? I angrily stood up from where I had sat all day long, carefully opened the gate, and spoke to the dogs and it was amazing how they obeyed me. I watched them carry out all the instructions I gave to them while I walked into the house. I got in and began to meditate on the whole scenario; how all that I even worried about was only waiting for my command as a child of God.
The scary way I felt the dog stare at me always was just my mindset, they had only been waiting patiently for my command. Romans 8:19 flooded my mind, creatures are earnestly awaiting us to take our place as the children of God.

You do not want to know how everyone would persuade me to come into the house encouraging me that the dogs wouldn’t harm me but I would refuse until someone would put them in their cage.

I would always narrate my last experience with dogs, how I innocently believed my neighbor’s children whom I walked into their compound at around 9 pm after coming back from work a year ago that their dogs wouldn’t harm me and that they had all gone to rest the at the backyard but the hard luck was that I haven’t even walked down to their apartment before the four dogs all came out to attack me from nowhere, I found myself lying flat on the ground screaming for help with blood gushing out of my knee. I felt so disappointed and weak, that I blamed myself to have believed the kids in the first place.

The question should then be “How has this experience affected our Christian Life? Follow me closely for the answer: relating this experience to my communication with the dogs almost a month ago, you would see that I walked into the compound where I had been attacked by the dogs as a stranger with no authority whatsoever so the dogs could easily attack me.

What this simply implies is the life of a layman who was in the house of God but is yet to discover his or her authority in Christ hasn’t even come into the knowledge of Christ or has yet to confess Jesus as his or her Lord and savior, such person is still prone to attacks from the enemy.

As believers we can’t live based on people’s faith, there is a need for us to grasp the hope of our calling all by ourselves to put the enemy where he belongs (message for another day).

Secondly, the people who had always encouraged me to walk my way despite the dogs staring at me were like intercessors or preachers praying like Apostle Paul calling me into my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus, calling me into the reality of God’s intent for my life, that there is nothing to fear in here, that the dogs already understand my place of authority over them and they would listen to whatever it is I say to them but I have so held on to my past experiences that I wouldn’t trust God’s word or promises concerning me.

“Lara you are now in the kingdom they would say, you now carry the nature of God, you are no longer where you used to be, a transformation has taken place.” This was the interpretation the Holy Spirit had given me concerning the words of my neighbors to me.

This is how an average believer lives their everyday life, sitting at a spot expecting miracles rather than taking charge of situations as children of God.

It’s high time we wake up to the hope of our calling.

Jesus quoting the book of Psalms “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
John 10:34 KJV”

It’s not a funny one that a lot of us struggle to live the reality of God’s intent for our lives.

The question is this “For how long do we live as slaves in a world that was created for our sake to dominate?”
“For how long do we allow the devil who already knows his end(destruction) to drag us with him or distract us until the end of time because of his disobedience?”

My word some months back quotes “Be sure you are not living someone else’s dream, so check well”. In respect to this, my prayer is that most of us won’t get to the other side to discover we lived the dream of the enemy all through our days.

The good news is this, “God has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light”, the word of God is true. The message is simple” REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND” The sin is not that which you wake up to commit, it is that which you opened your eye in this world to find yourself in and it is only serving as a basis for every other to thrive or better put it accommodates the desire for every other.

Christ is the only remedy for this.

The desire for all you seek in life is right inside of Jesus, His words are that you should come, do not bother how you come: broken, shattered, worried, disturbed, whichever way just comes anyway.

Christ is all that we seek and toil around for.

Let us put the enemy to where he belongs, a lot has been freely given unto us.

Jesus isn’t a religion but LIFE. A remedy to that which went wrong at the very onset.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28‭-‬30 MSG

The first approach to knowing the hope of our calling is to come unto Jesus by confessing in our mouth and believing in our heart that Jesus is Lord so say this word of prayer.

Lord Jesus, I believe you were born, you came into this world and you died for my sake and resurrected on the 3rd day. Forgive me all my sins, I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior this day. Thank you for all that you have done for me.

Beloved welcome into NEWNESS🤝.
Special congratulations from me to you.
Get yourself acquainted with the knowledge of your inheritances through the study of the word of God. If you wouldn’t mind, you can join a faith-believing church in your locality or send a DM to me for guidance or recommendations on how you can grow your faith so the enemy(devil) won’t take advantage of your ignorance again.

Congratulations once again and also to you who are already in the faith but struggling to take your place or Understand or grasp your inheritances, my prayer like that of Apostle Paul is that your eyes of understanding may be opened and that you may know the hope of your calling in Christ Jesus.

Also, do not forget to bring someone into the light of Christ as this is our primary assignment as believers.

I hope you have an enjoyable Christian walk.

Read, like, comment, share, and meditate on this.

Omolara Adebayo